Mouse strain

Strain information

CARD ID 1049
Type of strain Targeted mutant.
Strain name B6.129-Hspa4tm1
Internal Code APG2 KO
Submitter Teranishi Yutaka
Submitter affiliation or code -
Stock Type
Material Transfer Conditions In the following cases, you do not need to be in contact.
Production method in-house breeding
Origin (In-house) Organization Dep of Clin Mol Biol, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Organization code
Developer Jun Fujita
Origin (From other organizations) Organization
Organization code
Year introduced
Introduced Generation

Gene information

Gene symbol Hspa4
Gene name heat shock protein 4
Allele symbol Hspa4tm1
Allele name heat shock protein 4, targeted mutation 1
MGI MGI:1342292,
Chromosome 11 (29.0) ,
Gene classification Targeted or trapped gene(knockout etc.)
Method Electroporation

PCR Primer 1
OP4169 5'ctgctaaagcgcatgctccaga3'
OP4142 5'ctcgtctgatcacgggaagtgag3'

Disease , Applicable field information

Disease name, Applicable field

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