Mouse strain

Strain information

CARD ID 2515
Type of strain Transgenic., Targeted mutant.
Strain name STOCK Adam3tm1a(KOMP)Osb/11B Tg(Clgn-Adam3Flag)1Osb
Internal Code Adam3 KO, Clgn-Adam3/Flag Tg
Submitter Ikawa Masahito
Submitter affiliation or code Animal Resource Center for Infectious Diseases Research Institute for Microbial Diseases Osaka University
Stock Type
Material Transfer Conditions Others
Using the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is limited to the academic research of academic institutions. The RECIPIENT of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE shall obtain a prior written consent on use of it from the DEPOSITOR. These strains were established by the DEPOSITOR by using knockout vectors of EUCOMM Consortium. The RECIPIENT shall acknowledge the EUCOMM Consortium as the source of the vectors of the strains. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. The RECIPIENT must contact the DEPOSITOR in the case of application for any patents or commercial use based on the results from the use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE. The RECIPIENT which wants to use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE even after five years must obtain a written consent from the DEPOSITOR again.
Production method
Origin (In-house) Organization
Organization code
Origin (From other organizations) Organization
Organization code
Year introduced
Introduced Generation

Gene information

Gene symbol Adam3/FLAG
Gene name Adam3/FLAG
Allele symbol
Allele name
Gene classification Gene to express(transgenic)
Gene symbol Adam3
Gene name a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 3 (cyritestin)
Allele symbol Adam3tm1a(KOMP)Osb/11B
Allele name a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 3 (cyritestin), targeted mutation 1, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University
MGI MGI:102518,
Chromosome 8 (13.09) ,
Gene classification Targeted or trapped gene(knockout etc.)

Disease , Applicable field information

Disease name, Applicable field

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